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Whirlwind: Making Time

Hello, welcome back ;)

Let me talk through making time. Making time for self, making time for passions, making time for relationships, all that.

At this very point in time, I'm in this transitional period of getting my life together to immerse myself into real world and also thinking about what I actually want out of life since I'll be a college graduate come Spring 2019. With all the stresses that come with senior year, I feel like there is so little time to do what I actually want before real life hits to the point where I just don't make the time to try. I get caught up in weekly tasks and going through the motions. On top of that, I am just so nervous about what's to come in this life after graduation. But in this skepticism, I figured now is the time to dedicate myself to new endeavors and exploration. I know for a fact that I don't want to get stuck in a routine and have life just be this mundane experience.

I want to expand my creativity and do things I've never seen myself doing. Designing clothes, writing poetry, writing a TV show, drawing, painting, and even photography. I want to really take the time to think about the current relationships I have in my life and figure out what I value most about them. I feel as though I get caught up in myself a lot of the time to where I feel removed from the people in my life. So simply put, I want to be intentional about my relationships with other people. I also want to make more time for self-discovery and self-reflection because it's important to treat yourself better, physically and spiritually.

In these next few months, this is going to be a top priority. I'm going to start turning these 'I want' statements into 'I am'. I'm challenging myself to make time to figure out what I like, what I don't like, things I want to pursue, and things I don't. I'm making time for self because I know I'm capable of every single thing I want to achieve but I just have to do it. The time is now.

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